No Running at a Cosmetics Store: A Crossword Clue Explained

If you are a fan of crossword puzzles, you might have come across this clue: “No running at a cosmetics store”. It sounds like a funny and intriguing phrase, but what does it mean? And more importantly, what is the answer?

In this blog post, I will explain the logic behind this clue, provide some background information on the topic, and answer some frequently asked questions that you might have. Let’s get started!

The Logic Behind the Clue

The clue “No running at a cosmetics store” is an example of a cryptic crossword clue, which is a type of clue that uses wordplay, anagrams, homophones, hidden words, and other tricks to conceal the answer. Cryptic clues are very popular in British-style crosswords, such as the ones published by The Guardian, The Times, and The Telegraph.

To solve a cryptic clue, you need to identify two parts: the definition and the wordplay. The definition is usually at the beginning or the end of the clue, and it gives a synonym or a description of the answer. The wordplay is the rest of the clue, and it provides a way to construct the answer from the letters or words given.

For example, consider this clue: “Fruit that’s round, as it happens (6)”. The definition is “fruit”, and the wordplay is “that’s round, as it happens”. The wordplay suggests that the answer is a word that means “round” and also sounds like “as it happens”. The answer is ORANGE, which is a round fruit and also sounds like “arrange”.

Now, let’s apply this logic to the clue “No running at a cosmetics store”. The definition is “No running”, and the wordplay is “at a cosmetics store”. The wordplay suggests that the answer is a word that is related to cosmetics and also means “no running”. The answer is SMUDGEPROOF, which is a type of makeup that does not run or smear, and also contains the word “proof”, which means “no”.

The Background Information

The clue “No running at a cosmetics store” was published by the LA Times Daily crossword on February 2, 2024. It is a 11-letter word that fits in the grid as shown below:

SMUDGEPROOF is a common term used in the cosmetics industry to describe products that are resistant to smudging, fading, or transferring. Smudge-proof makeup is designed to last longer and look better, especially in hot, humid, or wet conditions. Some examples of smudge-proof makeup products are mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, foundation, and eyeshadow.

Smudge-proof makeup is achieved by using ingredients that form a thin film or a layer on the skin or the lashes, preventing the product from moving or rubbing off. Some of these ingredients are polymers, waxes, silicones, and oils. Smudge-proof makeup also requires special techniques and tools to apply and remove, such as primers, setting sprays, brushes, and makeup removers.

The Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions that you might have about the clue “No running at a cosmetics store” and the answer SMUDGEPROOF.

  • Q: How do I know if a makeup product is smudge-proof?
  • A: The best way to know if a makeup product is smudge-proof is to check the label or the packaging. Look for words like “smudge-proof”, “waterproof”, “long-lasting”, “transfer-resistant”, or “24-hour wear”. You can also test the product on your hand or your face and see how it holds up after a few hours or after exposure to water or sweat.
  • Q: What are the benefits of using smudge-proof makeup?
  • A: The main benefit of using smudge-proof makeup is that it can help you achieve a flawless and fresh look throughout the day, without the need for frequent touch-ups or reapplications. Smudge-proof makeup can also prevent makeup mishaps, such as panda eyes, lipstick stains, or cakey foundation. Smudge-proof makeup can also be suitable for people with oily skin, sensitive eyes, or active lifestyles.
  • Q: What are the drawbacks of using smudge-proof makeup?
  • A: The main drawback of using smudge-proof makeup is that it can be harder to apply and remove, compared to regular makeup. Smudge-proof makeup can require more skill and precision to apply, as it can dry quickly and leave little room for mistakes or corrections. Smudge-proof makeup can also require more time and effort to remove, as it can cling to the skin or the lashes and resist normal cleansers or wipes. Smudge-proof makeup can also be harsher on the skin or the eyes, causing irritation, dryness, or allergic reactions.
  • Q: How do I apply and remove smudge-proof makeup?
  • A: To apply smudge-proof makeup, you need to follow these steps:
    • Start with a clean and moisturized face. Apply a primer to create a smooth and even base for your makeup.
    • Apply your smudge-proof makeup products as desired, using brushes, sponges, or applicators. Work quickly and carefully, as smudge-proof makeup can set fast and be hard to blend or adjust.
    • Finish with a setting spray or a powder to lock in your makeup and make it last longer. To remove smudge-proof makeup, you need to follow these steps:
    • Use a makeup remover that is specially formulated for smudge-proof or waterproof makeup. Look for products that contain oil, micellar water, or bi-phase formulas.
    • Apply the makeup remover to a cotton pad, a cloth, or your fingers, and gently massage it over your face or your eyes. Avoid rubbing or tugging your skin or your lashes, as this can cause damage or breakage.
    • Rinse your face with water and follow with a cleanser and a moisturizer to remove any residue and restore your skin’s hydration and balance.

The Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about the clue “No running at a cosmetics store” and the answer SMUDGEPROOF. Cryptic crosswords are a fun and challenging way to test your vocabulary, logic, and creativity. If you want to try more cryptic clues, you can find them online or in newspapers and magazines. Happy puzzling! 

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