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Combo Brows: Everything You Need to Know About This Trendy Brow Technique

Are you tired of filling in your brows with makeup every morning? Do you want to have fuller, more defined, and natural-looking brows that last for a long time? If you answered yes, then you might want to consider getting combo brows.

Combo brows are a type of semi-permanent brow tattoo that combines two techniques: microblading and powder brows. Microblading creates realistic hair strokes, while powder brows add a soft, shaded effect. The result is a stunning brow look that mimics the appearance of makeup, but without the hassle of applying it every day.

In this blog post, we will tell you everything you need to know about combo brows, including:

  • What are the benefits of combo brows?
  • Who are the ideal candidates for combo brows?
  • How are combo brows done?
  • How long do combo brows last?
  • How much do combo brows cost?
  • How to take care of combo brows after the treatment?
  • What are the possible risks and side effects of combo brows?
  • How to find a reputable combo brows artist near you?

By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of what combo brows are and whether they are right for you. Let’s get started!

What are the benefits of combo brows?

Combo brows have many advantages over other brow tattoo techniques, such as:

  • They look more natural and realistic than traditional brow tattoos, which can look too harsh or unnatural.
  • They are suitable for all skin types, including oily, dry, or mature skin. Microblading alone can fade or blur faster on oily skin, while powder brows alone can look too flat or dull on dry or mature skin. Combo brows balance both techniques to create a perfect brow look for any skin type.
  • They last longer than microblading, which typically fades after 1-2 years. Combo brows can last up to 3 years, depending on your skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare.
  • They are more versatile and customizable than other brow techniques. You can choose the shape, thickness, color, and density of your brows according to your preference and facial features. You can also adjust the ratio of microblading and powder brows to achieve your desired look, whether it’s more natural or more dramatic.

Who are the ideal candidates for combo brows?

Combo brows are ideal for anyone who wants to enhance their brows and save time and money on makeup. However, some people may benefit more from combo brows than others, such as:

  • People who have sparse, thin, or overplucked brows and want to add more volume and definition to their brows.
  • People who have uneven, asymmetrical, or poorly shaped brows and want to correct and improve their brow shape.
  • People who have oily, dry, or mature skin and want to have a brow technique that works well with their skin type.
  • People who have scars, gaps, or bald spots in their brows and want to cover them up with realistic hair strokes and shading.
  • People who have allergies, sensitivities, or medical conditions that prevent them from using makeup products on their brows.

How are combo brows done?

Combo brows are done by a trained and certified permanent makeup artist who uses a combination of manual and machine tools to apply pigment to your brows. The procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • Consultation: The artist will discuss with you your expectations, preferences, and medical history. They will also analyze your skin type, brow shape, and facial features to determine the best brow design for you.
  • Numbing: The artist will apply a topical anesthetic cream to your brow area to minimize any pain or discomfort during the procedure.
  • Drawing: The artist will draw the outline of your brows using a pencil or a marker. They will also mark the areas where they will apply microblading and powder brows. You will be able to see and approve the design before the procedure starts.
  • Microblading: The artist will use a manual tool with a blade made of tiny needles to create fine, hair-like strokes on your brows. They will dip the blade in pigment and make small cuts on your skin to deposit the pigment. This will create a realistic and natural effect on your brows.
  • Powder Brows: The artist will use a machine tool with a needle to apply a soft, powdery pigment to your brows. They will use a tapping or stippling motion to create tiny dots of pigment on your skin. This will create a shaded and full effect on your brows.
  • Cleaning: The artist will wipe off any excess pigment and blood from your brows. They will also apply an antibacterial ointment to protect your brows from infection and promote healing.

The whole procedure can take 2-3 hours, depending on the complexity of your brow design and the skill of the artist.

How long do combo brows last?

Combo brows are considered semi-permanent, which means they will fade over time and require touch-ups to maintain their appearance. The longevity of combo brows depends on various factors, such as:

  • Skin type: Oily skin tends to fade faster than dry or normal skin, as the excess oil can break down the pigment faster. Dry or mature skin can also fade faster due to the lack of moisture and elasticity in the skin.
  • Lifestyle: Sun exposure, swimming, sweating, and using skincare products can affect the durability of combo brows, as they can cause the pigment to fade or change color. It is recommended to avoid these factors as much as possible and use sunscreen and hats to protect your brows from the sun.
  • Aftercare: Following the proper aftercare instructions can help your combo brows heal faster and last longer. It is important to keep your brows clean, dry, and moisturized, and avoid picking, scratching, or rubbing them. You should also avoid makeup, waxing, threading, or tinting your brows until they are fully healed.
  • Quality of the pigment and the artist: The quality of the pigment and the skill of the artist can also affect the outcome and longevity of your combo brows. It is advisable to choose a high-quality pigment that is specially formulated for permanent makeup and matches your skin tone and hair color. You should also choose a reputable and experienced artist who can perform the procedure safely and effectively.

Generally, combo brows can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, depending on these factors. However, it is recommended to get a touch-up every 6 to 12 months to keep your brows looking fresh and flawless.

How much do combo brows cost?

The cost of combo brows can vary depending on the location, the reputation of the artist, and the complexity of the brow design. On average, combo brows can cost anywhere from $500 to $1500. These prices usually include the initial session and a touch-up session after 4 to 8 weeks.

However, these are only estimates and you should always consult with your chosen artist to get a more accurate quote. You should also consider the quality of the service and the results, rather than the price alone. Remember, you get what you pay for, and combo brows are an investment in your beauty and confidence.

How to take care of combo brows after the treatment?

Taking good care of your combo brows after the treatment is crucial for their healing and longevity. Here are some tips on how to care for your combo brows after the procedure:

  • Follow the aftercare instructions given by your artist. They may vary slightly depending on the artist and the technique, but they usually include the following:
    • Keep your brows clean and dry for the first 10 days. Use a cotton pad or a gauze soaked in sterile water or saline solution to gently wipe your brows twice a day. Do not use soap, alcohol, or any other products on your brows.
    • Apply a thin layer of healing ointment or cream to your brows once or twice a day, or as instructed by your artist. Do not use too much or too often, as this can clog your pores and affect the healing process.
    • Avoid touching, picking, scratching, or rubbing your brows, as this can cause infection, scarring, or pigment loss. If your brows feel itchy, you can gently tap them with a clean finger or apply some ice to soothe them.
    • Avoid makeup, waxing, threading, or tinting your brows until they are fully healed, which can take 4 to 6 weeks. You can use a brow pencil or powder to fill in any gaps or unevenness after the healing period.
    • Avoid sun exposure, swimming, sweating, and using skincare products on or near your brows for at least 2 weeks. These can cause irritation, inflammation, or fading of your brows. Use sunscreen and hats to protect your brows from the sun after the healing period.
    • Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods to boost your immune system and speed up the healing process. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine, as these can dehydrate your skin and slow down the healing process.
  • Be patient and realistic with the healing process. Your brows will go through several stages of healing, such as:
    • Day 1-3: Your brows will look dark, bold, and swollen. This is normal and expected, as the pigment is still fresh and the skin is still inflamed. Do not panic or regret your decision, as this is not the final result.
    • Day 4-7: Your brows will start to scab and flake off. This is also normal and expected, as the skin is shedding the excess pigment and healing itself. Do not pick or peel off the scabs, as this can damage your skin
    • Day 8-14: Your brows will look light, patchy, and uneven. This is also normal and expected, as the pigment is still settling into the skin and the color is still developing. Do not worry or judge your brows at this stage, as this is not the final result.
    • Day 15-28: Your brows will start to look more defined, even, and natural. The pigment will reach its final color and intensity, and the hair strokes and shading will blend together. This is the final result of your combo brows, and you can enjoy your beautiful brows for a long time.
  • Attend the touch-up session after 4 to 8 weeks. The touch-up session is necessary to perfect your brows and fill in any gaps or unevenness that may have occurred during the healing process. It is also an opportunity to adjust the shape, color, or density of your brows if you are not satisfied with the initial result. The touch-up session is usually shorter and less painful than the initial session, and it will extend the longevity of your combo brows.

What are the possible risks and side effects of combo brows?

Combo brows are generally safe and effective, as long as they are done by a qualified and experienced artist who follows the proper hygiene and safety standards. However, like any cosmetic procedure, combo brows may have some risks and side effects, such as:

  • Pain and discomfort: Some people may experience mild to moderate pain and discomfort during and after the procedure, depending on their pain tolerance and sensitivity. The numbing cream can help reduce the pain, but it may not completely eliminate it. You can also take over-the-counter painkillers to ease the pain, but avoid aspirin or ibuprofen, as they can thin your blood and cause more bleeding.
  • Bleeding and bruising: Some bleeding and bruising may occur during and after the procedure, especially if you have thin or sensitive skin, or if you are taking blood-thinning medications or supplements. This is normal and expected, and it will subside within a few days. However, if the bleeding or bruising is excessive or persistent, you should contact your artist or doctor immediately.
  • Infection and inflammation: There is a risk of infection and inflammation if the procedure is not done in a sterile environment, or if the aftercare instructions are not followed properly. Signs of infection and inflammation include redness, swelling, pus, fever, or pain that worsens over time. If you notice any of these signs, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, as untreated infection and inflammation can lead to scarring, pigment loss, or other complications.
  • Allergic reaction: There is a rare chance of allergic reaction to the pigment or the numbing cream, which can cause itching, rash, hives, or difficulty breathing. If you have a history of allergies or sensitivities, you should inform your artist before the procedure and do a patch test to check for any adverse reactions. If you experience any symptoms of an allergic reaction, you should stop the procedure and seek medical help immediately.
  • Scarring and keloids: There is a possibility of scarring and keloids, which are raised, thickened, or discolored scars, especially if you have a history of scarring or keloids, or if you pick or scratch your brows during the healing process. Scarring and keloids can affect the appearance and longevity of your combo brows, and they may be difficult to remove or treat. To prevent scarring and keloids, you should avoid any trauma or irritation to your brows, and use silicone gel or patches to help heal the scars.
  • Pigment migration and discoloration: There is a chance of pigment migration and discoloration, which means the pigment can spread or change color over time, due to various factors such as skin type, sun exposure, skincare products, or hormonal changes. Pigment migration and discoloration can make your brows look blurry, faded, or unnatural. To prevent pigment migration and discoloration, you should avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen and hats to protect your brows from the sun. You should also avoid using skincare products that contain acids, retinoids, or bleaching agents on or near your brows, as they can affect the pigment. You should also get regular touch-ups to refresh your brows and correct any pigment issues.

How to find a reputable combo brows artist near you?

Finding a reputable combo brows artist near you is very important, as it can make a huge difference in the quality and safety of your procedure and results. Here are some tips on how to find a reputable combo brows artist near you:

  • Do your research: You can search online for combo brows artists in your area, and check their websites, social media pages, reviews, and portfolios. You can also ask for recommendations from your friends, family, or acquaintances who have had combo brows done before. You should look for an artist who has a valid license, certification, and insurance, and who follows the highest standards of hygiene and safety. You should also look for an artist who has extensive experience and expertise in combo brows, and who can show you before and after pictures of their previous clients.
  • Book a consultation: You should book a consultation with your chosen artist before the procedure, and ask them any questions or concerns you may have about combo brows. You should also ask them to show you their portfolio, their tools, their pigments, and their work area. You should also ask them to do a patch test to check for any allergic reactions. You should feel comfortable and confident with your artist, and trust their skills and judgment. If you feel uneasy or doubtful about your artist, you should look for another one.
  • Follow your instincts: You should follow your instincts and listen to your gut feeling when choosing a combo brows artist. You should choose an artist who makes you feel comfortable, respected, and valued, and who understands your needs and expectations. You should also choose an artist who is honest, professional, and ethical, and who does not pressure you or make unrealistic promises. You should avoid any artist who is rude, shady, or sketchy, and who does not have a good reputation or credentials.


Here are some frequently asked questions about combo brows:

  • Q: How long does the procedure take?
  • A: The procedure usually takes 2 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity of the brow design and the skill of the artist.
  • Q: Does the procedure hurt?
  • A: The procedure may cause mild to moderate pain and discomfort, depending on your pain tolerance and sensitivity. The numbing cream can help reduce the pain, but it may not completely eliminate it. You can also take over-the-counter painkillers to ease the pain, but avoid aspirin or ibuprofen, as they can thin your blood and cause more bleeding.
  • Q: How long does the healing process take?
  • A: The healing process can take 4 to 6 weeks, depending on your skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare. Your brows will go through several stages of healing, such as scabbing, flaking, fading, and darkening, before they reach their final color and intensity.
  • Q: How often do I need to get a touch-up?
  • A: You need to get a touch-up after 4 to 8 weeks of the initial session, to perfect your brows and fill in any gaps or unevenness. After that, you need to get a touch-up every 6 to 12 months, to maintain your brows and refresh the color and shape.
  • Q: What are the do’s and don’ts after the procedure?
  • A: Here are some do’s and don’ts after the procedure:
    • Do:
      • Follow the aftercare instructions given by your artist.
      • Keep your brows clean and dry for the first 10 days.
      • Apply a thin layer of healing ointment or cream to your brows once or twice a day, or as instructed by your artist.
      • Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods to boost your immune system and speed up the healing process.
      • Attend the touch-up session after 4 to 8 weeks.
    • Don’t:
      • Touch, pick, scratch, or rub your brows, as this can cause infection, scarring, or pigment loss.
      • Use makeup, waxing, threading, or tinting on your brows until they are fully healed.
      • Expose your brows to sun, swimming, sweating, or skincare products for at least 2 weeks.
      • Use alcohol, smoking, or caffeine, as these can dehydrate your skin and slow down the healing process.
      • Judge your brows too soon, as they will change and improve over time.
  • Q: What are the possible complications of combo brows?
  • A: Some possible complications of combo brows are:
    • Pain and discomfort
    • Bleeding and bruising
    • Infection and inflammation
    • Allergic reaction
    • Scarring and keloids
    • Pigment migration and discoloration

To avoid or minimize these complications, you should choose a reputable and experienced artist who can perform the procedure safely and effectively. You should also follow the proper aftercare instructions and seek medical help if you notice any signs of trouble.


Combo brows are a type of semi-permanent brow tattoo that combines microblading and powder brows to create a stunning brow look that mimics the appearance of makeup, but without the hassle of applying it every day. Combo brows have many benefits, such as:

  • They look more natural and realistic than traditional brow tattoos.
  • They are suitable for all skin types, including oily, dry, or mature skin.
  • They last longer than microblading, which typically fades after 1-2 years.
  • They are more versatile and customizable than other brow techniques.

However, combo brows also have some risks and side effects, such as:

  • Pain and discomfort
  • Bleeding and bruising
  • Infection and inflammation
  • Allergic reaction
  • Scarring and keloids
  • Pigment migration and discoloration

Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of combo brows before deciding to get them. You should also do your research and find a reputable combo brows artist near you who can provide you with the best service and results. You should also follow the aftercare instructions and attend the touch-up sessions to maintain your brows and keep them looking fresh and flawless.

We hope this blog post has answered all your questions about combo brows and helped you decide whether they are right for you. If you have any more questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day! 

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