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Baby Powder on Eyelashes: Does It Really Work?

If you are looking for a way to make your eyelashes look fuller, longer, and thicker, you might have heard of a DIY hack that involves using baby powder. But does it really work, and is it safe to try? In this blog post, I will explain the logic behind this hack, how to do it, and what are the pros and cons of using baby powder on your eyelashes.

What is the Logic Behind Using Baby Powder on Eyelashes?

The idea of using baby powder on eyelashes is to create a base layer that can add volume and length to your lashes, before applying mascara. The baby powder acts as a primer that can coat your lashes with fine particles, making them appear more dense and defined. The mascara then adheres better to the baby powder, creating a more dramatic effect. Some people also claim that baby powder can help prevent mascara from smudging or flaking, as it absorbs excess oil and moisture from your lashes.

How to Use Baby Powder on Eyelashes?

To use baby powder on your eyelashes, you will need the following items:

  • A curling tool, such as an eyelash curler or a spoon
  • A mascara of your choice
  • A cornstarch-based baby powder, such as Johnson’s White Baby Powder With Cornstarch
  • A cotton swab or a small fluffy brush
  • A tissue or a makeup wipe

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Curl your eyelashes with your preferred tool, holding for a few seconds to create a nice curve.
  2. Apply one or two coats of mascara from the roots to the tips of your lashes, wiggling the wand slightly to separate them.
  3. Pour a small amount of baby powder into the palm of your hand or a small container, and dip the cotton swab or the brush into it. Tap off the excess powder to avoid fallout.
  4. With your eyes closed, gently apply the baby powder to the top and bottom of your lashes, covering them evenly. Be careful not to get any powder into your eyes, as it can cause irritation or infection.
  5. Apply another coat of mascara to seal the baby powder and enhance your lashes. You may need to apply more than one coat to cover the white powder completely.
  6. Clean up any powder residue from your face or eyes with a tissue or a makeup wipe.

What are the Pros and Cons of Using Baby Powder on Eyelashes?

Using baby powder on eyelashes can have some benefits and drawbacks, depending on your preferences and expectations. Here are some of them:


  • It can make your eyelashes look fuller, longer, and thicker, especially if you have sparse or thin lashes.
  • It can help your mascara last longer and prevent it from smudging or flaking, as it absorbs excess oil and moisture from your lashes.
  • It is a cheap and easy way to achieve a dramatic lash look, using products that you may already have at home.
  • It can be removed easily with a gentle makeup remover or cleanser.


  • It can be messy and time-consuming, as you have to apply and remove the baby powder carefully to avoid getting it into your eyes or on your face.
  • It can cause irritation or infection in your eyes, especially if you have sensitive eyes or wear contact lenses. Baby powder is not meant to be used on your eyes, and it can contain ingredients that can harm your eyes, such as talc, fragrance, or preservatives.
  • It can damage your eyelashes, as it can dry them out and make them brittle. Baby powder can also clog your hair follicles and prevent your lashes from growing properly.
  • It can interfere with the performance of your mascara, as it can make it clumpy, flaky, or hard to remove.


Here are some frequently asked questions about using baby powder on eyelashes:

  • Is it safe to use baby powder on eyelashes? No, it is not safe to use baby powder on eyelashes, as it can cause irritation or infection in your eyes, and damage your eyelashes. Baby powder is not designed to be used on your eyes, and it can contain harmful ingredients that can affect your eye health. If you want to try this hack, do it at your own risk, and be very careful not to get any powder into your eyes. You can also look for alternatives that are safer and more effective, such as lash primers, fibers, or serums.
  • What kind of baby powder should I use on my eyelashes? If you decide to use baby powder on your eyelashes, you should use a cornstarch-based baby powder, such as Johnson’s White Baby Powder With Cornstarch, as it is less likely to contain talc, which is a mineral that can be contaminated with asbestos, a known carcinogen. However, cornstarch-based baby powder can still contain other ingredients that can irritate or infect your eyes, such as fragrance or preservatives. You should also check the expiration date of the baby powder, as expired products can harbor bacteria or fungi that can cause eye infections.
  • How often can I use baby powder on my eyelashes? You should not use baby powder on your eyelashes too often, as it can damage your eyelashes and your eye health. Baby powder can dry out your lashes and make them brittle, and it can also clog your hair follicles and prevent your lashes from growing properly. It can also irritate or infect your eyes, especially if you have sensitive eyes or wear contact lenses. You should only use baby powder on your eyelashes occasionally, for special occasions or when you want to achieve a dramatic lash look. You should also take good care of your lashes by moisturizing them with oils or serums, and removing your makeup gently and thoroughly before going to bed.


Using baby powder on eyelashes is a DIY hack that can make your eyelashes look fuller, longer, and thicker, but it also has some risks and drawbacks that you should be aware of. Baby powder is not meant to be used on your eyes, and it can cause irritation or infection in your eyes, and damage your eyelashes. It can also be messy and time-consuming, and interfere with the performance of your mascara. If you want to try this hack, you should do it at your own risk, and be very careful not to get any powder into your eyes. You can also look for alternatives that are safer and more effective, such as lash primers, fibers, or serums.

I hope this blog post was helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

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